Thursday, July 28, 2011
Jambore Sahabat Anak
July 2nd-3rd 2011
I was participating in Jambore Sahabat Anak as a sister (we call it “kakak pendamping”). Jambore Sahabat Anak is an event to celebrate National Children Day. JSA 2011 was an event for the 1,100 children who come from marginal streets, the garbage collectors, the poor, urban, and young residents of “rumah singgah” to play and have fun.
(more about JSA:
When the event started, I thought that they need me as their friend, as their sister. But then I realised that I’m the one who need them. You know, I’m so lucky to have my parents who have given me love and education since I was born. But I still have plenty of things to complain about. I was so ungrateful. Get to know them and be friend with them are one of the greatest gift God ever give me.
Thank you, Allah. Thank you, guys. :D
Harry Potter
I really want to watch Harry Potter with the younger version of me, a 10 year old me.
She’s the one who makes me loves Harry Potter. Back in 2005, it was the hardest time of my life. Things changed a lot in that year, I was so hopeless and then Harry Potter and the philosoper stone came out. I asked my mom to buy me one, but she refused. I don’t remember how, but I ended up reading my friend’s Harry Potter and chamber of secret. And chamber of secret become my most favorite Harry Potter book.
Harry Potter was a sweet escape for me. When I read it I was in hogwarts, far far away from my real life. I remember I stayed up till 3 am to read it, woke up at 5 am and go to school at 6.30.
Harry Potter always be my most favorite book, and hogwarts always be my home.
Thank you, JK Rowling.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Do you know what I do best? I'm best at being a sister, a daughter, a teaser, a stripper. Hell yeah.
A stripper? Really?
Oh, come on.. I'm just kidding.
Monday, July 4, 2011
CURHAT DOANG (lanjutan...)
Temen gue cantik banget hari ini.
Temen gue yang gue ceritain di post sebelum ini.
Gue baru ucapin selamat.
Dia dilamar kemarin.
Hari ini dia keliatan catik sekali, bahagia sekali.
senang, selamat yaa cantik :D
Friday, July 1, 2011
Curhat doang
Lo tau jembatan penyebrangan antara Plaza Semanggi dan Polda? Ya, itu dia.
Gue sangat menikmati jalan di jembatan itu, karena selama di atasnya gue ngerasa asik sendiri sama pikiran gue.
Kadang gue ngerasa, "wah, bagus ni buat ditulis di blog" tapi kemudian gue lupa.
btw, pagi ini temen gue bilang "blog lu isinya curhat semua"
Heh, lo, bodo amat isi nya curhat semua! suka-suka gue!
dan gue lupa gue mau nulis apa di sini.
yang pasti sekarang gue rasanya sedih sekali.
seorang kenalan akan menikah, besok seserahan, tapi dia ada banyak masalah.
masalah keuangan. sedih banget.
ah, menikah itu bikin sulit.
bukan, menikah mudah, budaya indonesia yang bikin sulit.
Dasar menyebalkan!