Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hi, there~

Growing old...

So many things happened since the last time i wrote on this blog. I mean, SOOOOOO MAAAAAANY THIIIIIIINGS. Ok, I’ll try to write down everything here. I mean, EVERYYYYYY THIIIING. HAHA. I bet you’ll be boring reading ALL my stories.

Anyway, since a month ago I teach math every Monday and Wednesday in Bungur, Kemang. It’s like private tutoring, I teach Chinese students, 4 grade and 7 grade. Kelly and Tristen.

Yesterday when I was on ojek, I thought a lot about my blog, the reason why I have a blog. The reason is... well, it’s kinda embarassing. Ok, because I thought that... Ok, ganti bahasa.

Gue takut kalo tua nanti gue kena Alzheimer! (sekarang masih takut juga sih, soalnya gaya hidup gue gak sehat, minum kopi, makan mie instan, tidur 3-5 jam)

Nah, dulu gue kira Alzheimer itu lupa ingatan tentang siapa diri kita gitu -.- HAHA *begok!* HAHAHA.. Jadi gue bikin blog biar pas tua nanti gue tetep bisa baca gimana gue waktu muda.

(Kalo mau tau lebih jauh soal Alzheimer monggo di-googling..)

Sekarang gue bikin blog karena, ehem, karena hidup gue ini seru and I want to share it with you guys, HAHAHA *bohong deng!* HAHA.. Poor you, guys, you must be have a very boring life *pukpuk* because now you’re reading my blog.. My boring blog..

Welcome back, Dhanita!

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